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What is Equine Assisted Coaching?

Uncategorized Sep 18, 2023


Equine Assisted Coaching (EAC) is a unique and effective form of experiential therapy that involves interactions between individuals and horses. There are several reasons why EAC is considered effective:

  1. Non-judgmental mirrors: Horses are highly attuned to human emotions and body language. They can sense and reflect the emotional state of the person interacting with them. This immediate and honest feedback from the horse serves as a powerful mirror, helping individuals become more aware of their own emotions and behaviors.

  2. Immediate feedback: Horses provide real-time feedback. If a person is anxious, fearful, or unclear in their communication, the horse may become agitated or unresponsive. Conversely, when someone is calm, confident, and clear, the horse is more likely to cooperate and respond positively. This immediate feedback helps individuals understand how their emotions and actions affect others.

  3. Emotional regulation: Interacting with horses can help individuals...

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Interview with MysticMag

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by MysticMag.  It was great to go back to my childhood and recollect all the things that happened that brought me to where I am today.  I answered questions such as:

What is your background and what has inspired you to get where you are today?

What ideas and principles is your life coaching based on?

What is Equine Wisdom Coaching?

What can people expect from your Yoga Crash and Learn Course for Busy People?

What other services do you offer?

I had to condense my answers because I have so much history to tell, but I managed to put it in bite-size pieces for the readers.

Here is the link to the interview:

MysticMag Article

Check it out and get a glimpse of my evolution to Yoga, Horses, and Life Coaching!

Love and Light,



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Transforming ... from Scared to Sacred.

empowerment Jun 26, 2016


During our best moments, we can think of times that we felt the joy of accomplishment, the thrill of love, and all the gifts that life has to offer.

But there may also be unpleasant memories that seem like a looming cloud that keeps you stuck in confusion, fear, or just a lack of the vibrancy that you know you deserve. 

Whether it's the fact that your love life or your career are less than what you truly need, or a complete lack of both, what's needed is a solid blueprint for the kind of self-mastery that is yours for the taking.

We women are brilliant creatures!  We have blessings that most of us are not even aware of. 

It's time to uncover the treasures that lie within.

1.  Know Your Self-Worth

The first thing necessary before anything great can manifest in your life is for you to acknowledge and embrace your own precious self-worth.  Without your conscous awareness and validation of your greatest "Self,"  there can be no abundance flowing...

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